英語版ホームページ公開のお知らせ -English version of our website is now available!-
いつもAmazing NIKKOをご覧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
この度、「Amazing Nikko 英語版」を公開いたしました。
(ご応募は、日本語ページからのみの受付となります。英語対応をご希望の方は、ページ下部の「Contact us」より直接ご連絡ください。)
今後とも、Amazing NIKKOをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for visiting our website, Amazing NIKKO.
We are pleased to announce that the English version of Amazing NIKKO is now available.
You can select the English version from the bottom of the menu on the right.
(URL for Amazing NIKKO English version: https://www.amazing-nikko.org/en/)
Please feel free to share both the Japanese and English versions on social networking services, etc., and we would greatly appreciate it if you could recommend our website to your friends :)
We are still accepting photo submissions and look forward to hearing from you.
(Submissions are only accepted from the Japanese page. If you would like to submit in English, please contact us directly from the link at the bottom of the page).
Please keep checking out our website, Amazing NIKKO. Thank you!